Prevent snow shoveling injuries with 12 expert tips

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Winter can be a joyfully exciting period, especially for young children and adults who wholeheartedly enjoy making snow angels and snow-ball fights. However, the snow can also provide a terrifying and painful experience, not only because of the increased risk of falling and injuring the body but also because of the high risk of injuries while shoveling the snow. The Staten Island Live, a website dedicated to educationally serve and timely inform the people of Staten Island, has recently published an article that explains the risk of severe injuries that occur while shoveling snow. snow shoveling injuries For the purpose of the story, the editor reached out to our very own Dr. Armin Tehrany, one of the best knee and shoulder doctors in New York who proudly serves the Staten Island citizens with a conveniently located offices near the center of the island. Dr. Tehrany was asked to provide professional tips on how to prevent severe shoulder and knee injuries while shoveling snow. Surprisingly, according to national studies, an average of 11,500 people visit the emergency room yearly as a result of a shoveling snow injury. According to Dr. Tehrany, the most common shoveling snow injuries occur in the back, the shoulder, and the knee. While there is no way to control the weather, people can still control their physical health and prevent painful injuries. In order to enable the readers to save themselves from visiting the ER, Dr. Tehrany provided a useful list of extremely beneficial, some even life-saving tips on preventing knee and shoulder injuries. Dr. Tehrany’s list starts with a simple, yet significant tip: prepare. If the weather forecast says that snow is on the way, then throwing a rock salt at the sidewalks and driveways is a perfect idea. He then continues with recommending that the shoveling process should start lightly and often, instead of waiting for the snow to accumulate and increase in weight. Warming up prior to shoveling, and employing the proper technique when shoveling are two important aspects that should be taken into consideration when the snow visits. Further, Dr. Tehrany highlights the importance of bending the knees and using the leg and quad power instead of just placing the entire pressure on the back. Moreover, carefully listening to what the body has to say during this winter activity can significantly help the injury prevention. In conclusion, Dr. Tehrany notes that people should be extremely careful while shoveling snow because of the slippery conditions and cold temperatures that can easily cause a terrible shoulder or knee injury. The complete list of the beneficial tips that improve the entire snow shoveling experience is available at