Runner’s World: Dr. Tehrany shares tips on how to safely enjoy running on the beach

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One of the perks of running outdoors in summer is the variety of different routes that runners can choose to run on. Whether it is a run in the quiet park,  on the green hills, or by the wild and open sea, running always works the entire body and boost the energy levels. However, running on different surfaces significantly impacts the joints and the muscles, and if not performed correctly, causes painful troubles to the body. running on the beach The online hub for everything about running, Runner’s World, has published an article that highlights both the benefits and risks of running on the beach. For the purpose of the story, Dr. Armin Tehrany was asked to provide an expert opinion on the potential injuries of running on the beach. Running on the beach, especially on soft and dry sand that is not too close to the water, offers minimal chances for impact-associated overuse injuries. Studies have shown that running on the sand causes less muscle damage and inflammation, however, the risk of an injury such as the ankle sprain, is still very high. According to Dr. Tehrany, an uneven surface and constantly shifting ground are to blame for the risk of other injuries while running on the sand.
“You’ll have to work harder [to stay balanced], and as a result, you will get a better workout if you spend the same amount of time on the sand,” Dr. Tehrany says.
Further, in the article, Dr. Tehrany highlights the importance of wearing proper running shoes in order to prevent severe injuries.  While there are theories that support the idea of a long barefoot run on the beach, Dr. Tehrany says to think twice before ditching the shoes.
“Keeping them on makes an ankle and foot injury less likely because the shoes act as an ankle stabilizer and provide elevated heel and arch support that your feet are used to,” explains Dr. Tehrany.
The complete article with the in-depth analysis of the benefits and advantages of running on the beach is available at