Dr. Tehrany and his team care about the patient experience journey from the time a patient has the first touch point with us, to their post surgical journey back into normal life because as Ms. Camboni puts it, “one cannot put a price on… improved quality of everyday living”.
Finding the right doctor when one is faced with daunting knee pain (on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being excruciating), I was definitely at a 10. Bone on bone arthritis, a slight meniscus tear, knee cartilage that looked like a NYC street filled with potholes….it was a perfect storm of pain. I did see another doctor before a friend recommended Dr. Tehrany. Thank goodness for that recommendation.

I am not shy in sharing my age….I am 61 and most of what led up to this pain is simply life wear and tear combined with the debilitating effects of arthritis. My profession is not a 9-5 desk job in any way, shape or form so ease of mobility is paramount (and I am far from wanting to retire😊)
From the first moment I interacted with Dr. Tehrany and his team, I thought to myself, “My knee could not be in better hands😊”. First and foremost, Dr. Tehrany and his staff took time to hear me; something that other doctors did not. Secondly, my options were explained thoroughly, concisely and in an empathetic manner. Lastly, and maybe this is most important, everyone took the time to remember that there is a person attached to the knee….not just a patient with an insurance claim number. We even found time to giggle when one would least expect it. Every question was answered; every concern was addressed and once a course of action was decided upon, everything transpired in a quick and efficient manner.
I never expected a miracle….I understand the reality of this knee issue….but I can say, remember that excruciating pain factor of 10 that I mentioned earlier? Immediately after the surgery (truly from the day after the surgery to present day), I was no longer referencing that scale as one of pain. Discomfort, yes; soreness on occasion, yes but pain, no. I went from barely being able to sleep through the night because of the pain to finally enjoying a good night’s sleep. And I was able to resume my very active work duties in 3-weeks time.
I just returned from my 2nd post-op appointment and Dr. Tehrany said, “How’s my knee doing?” There is a lot of truth behind that statement because he and his team have given me something that one can not put a price on….improved quality of everyday living. This is largely due to the expertise and skill set of Dr. Tehrany.
I walk, bend, stretch and live my best life everyday …in gratitude to Dr. Armin Tehrany and his team of brilliant health care professionals.