Dr. Armin Tehrany, one of the top orthopedic doctors in New York was one of the co-authors of Chiari I malformation and spinal cord injury: cause for concern in contact athletes? article.
The research for this medical publication was conducted at the Hospital for Special Surgery, nation’s oldest orthopedic hospital. The HSS is nationally ranked #1 in Orthopedics and #3 in rheumatology by U.S.News & World Report (2014-15). The hospital has been top-ranked in the Northeast for both orthopedics and rheumatology for the 23rd consecutive year.
The HSS is also one of the most respected hospitals due to its state-of-the-art technology, which enables the highly educated doctors and professionals to achieve scientific breakthroughs in clinical treatments.
One of the scientific developments was the article that Dr. Tehrany and his peer colleagues wrote about Chiari I malformation and its effect on athletes.
Following is the abstract of the article, and we are hoping it will intrigue you enough to download and read the complete article.
We present a case of transient quadriparesis in an 8-yr-old football player with a normal cervical spinal canal but Chiari I malformation of the hindbrain. Chiari I consists of herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum, which reduces space available for the spinal cord. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain or cervical spine can identify asymptomatic Chiari I, whereas previously myelography was necessary. The incidence and natural history of Chiari I malformation is reviewed, with special reference to the question of return-to-play in young athletes.
The complete article is available for download here.